Monday 26 November 2012

Things I'm thankful for

This morning I was reading Tara Sutherland's Blog Post, and I felt inspired that I should also write what I am thankful for ... so here it goes ...

Mum & Dad on the Coach in Sicily
Things I'm thankful for

  • I am blessed with two very loving parents ... I know I can count on them for anything and they know they can count on me for whatever they need.
    • This year Dad's health has improved a lot from the difficult period he went through last year and he is finally enjoying life.
    • Whilst mum ... She is her usual strong & confident self ... I admire her so much, I hope that when I reach her age I will still be strong and able to take care of myself and others like she does !

  • I'm thankful for having a job I love to go to every morning, keeping me on my toes with different challenges.

  • I'm thankful for my diving experiences and I'm looking forward for many more to come ...

  • I'm thankful for my small but tight circle of friends I know that I can count on when I want to share something beautiful or when life is taking a hue of blue and I just want to have a bit of a rant!

  • I'm thankful for everyday of these 37 years ... For the ups and downs ... Mainly for the downs because it’s because of those downs that I am who I am now a stronger version of who I was 15 years ago.

  • Last but not least my furballs ... For their company, their cuddles, their purring and their funny little characters.

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