This is my first blog I decided to write posts about the three most important aspects of my life, my family which include events and outings, my adorable balls of fur with whom I share our apartment and last but not least my passion for diving including my training, equipment and dives.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Fur Ball Habits
Simon's Cat - If you Love Cats - You gotta know who Simon's Cat is
From the previous two posts about how Will and Grace came to share my apartment with me I mentioned that both cats had their different habits that identified their unique characters ... here is a short list of the most quirky ones
Eating Habits
Will and Grace eat from a twin food tray, it has two sectioned off bowls, I noticed almost immediately since they were kittens each cat always ate from one side of the bowl - from the first time I got them home. Will to the left and Grace to the right. This goes on until one is fed up and the other one turns to finish off whatever is left. That's usually Grace task to clean up the food dish.
Litter Habits
While Will makes a project about using the litter tray and has been trying to dig a tunnel to Australia for the past six years, proceeding to covering his business over and over again until all the litter pearls are in one heap in a corner or all over the floor.
Grace can't be bothered she hops into the tray, does her business and is out of their before you can bat an eyelash - it's like she wants to disassociate herself with the task at hand.
Neither one of them will use the tray if for some God-forsaken moment mum is busy and hasn't replaced the contents of the tray with a fresh pack punctually every two and a half weeks.
Will adores being brushed, he loved it from day one and never looked back, he used to trot to the bathroom when he was tiny and I'd carry him on the washing machine and he could sit there for as long as the brush kept on grooming him - he still is - however now he rushes from whatever he is doing as soon as I say "Brush" - he leaps on the washing machine and I'm not allowed to stop brushing him until he's had enough. He walks around the square area to make sure all of him is brushed, being short coat cats neither of them need a lot of grooming but Will does like the one on one attention with the Brush! Grace gets her moment once or twice a weak but it's her call ... she turns up at the washing machine and when she does ... she get brushed!!!
Nail trimming is a different story, I encounter a different side to both cats, they forget they are gentle loving furballs when they see the special scissors - I have to wear my winter dressing gown to protect my limbs from being shredded - eventually after all is done and I shower them with kisses and treats the trauma is quickly forgotten and they get back to our normal lives - sleep - eat - sleep - groom - sleep - nag - sleep nibble.
Photo courtesy of NASA
Morning Habits
Will & Grace grew into adorable cats and loving companions, they both have but one terrible habit which over the years I have not managed to get them to stop doing.
When young cats they would remain asleep until they heard me walk out of the bedroom in the morning or heard my pottering about in the flat. However one year in particular when we change the clocks for daylight saving time something clicked in both of them and they started waking up before the sun was up and most importantly before I was up, expecting breakfast, although I would have left some dry food out overnight they demand breakfast to be served. I cannot explain in words what goes on in my bedroom so I will leave you to enjoy Simon's Cat its very close to what happens to me - but I don't keep a baseball bat under my bed ! I must point out that the mastermind mind is always Grace, Will is usually nagging for food from the end of the bed or the carpet near the bed but Grace she puts her heart and soul into making sure I'm up ...
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