It took very little time for the three of us to get used to each other - the first days that Will & Grace moved into the apartment where part of a bridge long weekend, so I spent all my time at home with them.
I remember the first night as if it was yesterday, I kissed their little heads good night and settled them on their little bed with their new blanket. As I made my way to my bed room, Grace started to follow keeping her distance - I doubt that she had ventured as far as the bedroom yet! As I was getting ready for bed I heard a tiny squeak and I found her at the door looking at me quizzically as if to say - "where are you going, I hope you're not planning to leave us out in the front room ALONE?" A few moments later she was joined by her brother, timid little Will ... as they both sat at the threshold of my room I told myself I couldn't let them sleep alone.
So I brought their bed and blanket into the bedroom and placed them just by my bed on a rug ... Will was trying to see what was beyond the bed so I carried him and put him gently on my quilt, in a flash Grace had jumped up on the bed, walked the perimeter and settled nicely in the gap between the two pillows. That would remain Grace's spot and hiding place for many months to come ... and the bed - well let's say it became shared territory.
A few days after adoption day, I started to realise what creatures of habit cats really are! I had read about it but seeing these two little creatures performing their little habits was fascinating - I will be writing about their quirks in the coming days. Before picking up the kittens, I had scheduled an appointment with a VET to have them checked out, he was going to be pleasantly surprised that now there where two! I put Will & Grace in their travel box with their fluffy blanket and ventured out into the elevator and to the garage, all was fine until we got to the car and I started the engine ... Grace wasn't at all keen on this new experience. On their first trip home they must have been to engulfed in their little world to realise what was going on. Let's just say that no matter how slow or fast I drove, if I had the music on or off, if the travel box was covered or not, if the windows where up or down, Grace was kicking a hell of a fuss - Will did a little whimpering but certainly not striking the cords his sister was! After the torturous drive that took 30 minutes we arrived at the VET's clinic and once out of the moving car and into the clinic Grace was well behaved compared to the other cats which where hissing and dogs barking their faces off.
The doctor examined them both and told me that they were healthy, that Will needed a bit more nutrition to catch up with his sister and that they where infested with flees .... OH MY GOD ... I was shocked, but he said that after a couple of days of using a special spray we would be rid of these blood sucking pests - I should have expected it really but I was too engulfed in the fluffiness of their fur to look closely! Lesson number one: check their fur for flees every so often! We scheduled dates for their next shots and I listened to the advise given by the doctor to consider neutering one or both of them ... We where out of there, back to my Ka and back to the screaming entertainment from my little drama queen.
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Not Will Neither Grace!!! |
When I got home I attempted to give the kittens a bath before I applied the pest spray, the car ride was one thing but getting Her Highness wet was a completely different story. Neither Will or Grace where too keen on getting wet - that was Lesson number two: my kittens hate water - I also realised that nothing was happening with regards to the pests since they remained attached to their fur and the little ones were getting extremely distressed and worked up. I dried them off in a towel, applied the spray and waited until the next day to groom them with a thin comb and get them Flee Free! It wasn't an easy tasks since their bodies where still so small and fragile, but with a lot of patience and a pinch of TLC I manage to get the task done. Healthy and bug free Will and Grace continued to explore and get accustomed to their new life with me as their mummy.

I had to train myself to always look into a cupboard before closing the door since both of them have a knack of getting into the pantry or the wardrobe without me noticing. There have been times when I spend too much time staring at the open wardrobe trying to decide what to wear and Grace would go in and make herself comfortable on the shelf where I keep my tees ... I would also close the doors after I'm done, not realising she's in there until Will sits himself in front of the door calling me until I come back and check the wardrobe ... Her Highness straddles out as if from a cat walk! Will always has Graces back when it comes to these things.
During the early days of the adoption I couldn't wait to get back home after work or after a dive I would be eager to spend time with my babies - they always greeted me at the door ... Grace always doing a turn on her side when she saw me - so cute :)
Will and Grace usually had their first meal of the day while I had breakfast, some soft kitten food followed by a hand full of crushed dry food for them to nibble on during the day, together with a bowl of fresh water. The Vet had recommended that I start them off on Science Plan food from Hills and they seems to like it - that has been their diet ever since, occasionally I buy different wet food since the Science Plan brand only has Pate here in Malta and they seem to prefer the chunks of food that come in jelly or grave so we alternate tastes and flavours. They are very fond of their treats which I give them for being the well behaved little companions that they are.
Grace playing hide & seek |
....the habits of Will & Grace will follow....
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